一叶蔽[障]目[yī yè bì mù]1.■shade the eyes with a leaf; A single leaf before the eye obstructs one's vision.:A leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai -- have one's view of the important overshadowed by the trivial.; A single leaf before the eye blacks out the view of a mountain.一叶蔽目, 不见泰山。
- 《中华人民共和国国家进出口管理委员会、对外贸易部关于出口许可制度的暂行办法》
- 一帆风顺
- 一息奄奄
- 一枝黄花
- 一生清贫
- 一端单毛菌 monotricha
- 一级导弹 one-stage missile
- 丁字把手 T-handle
- 丁字铰接 T-hinge strap
- 丁醚
- 七楞八瓣
- 万古长[常]青
- 万能螺纹磨床 universal thread grinder
- 三个和尚无水吃
- 三倍性
- 三元高聚物 terpolymer
- 三尺荒丘
- 三棱镜
- 三次不尽根 cubic surd; surd of third order
- 三氯碳酰替苯胺 {有化} trichlorocarbanilide
- 三焦辨证 differentiation of tri-jiao