不分泾渭[bù fēn jīng wèi]1.■make no such distinction between good and evil [black and white]
- “非”电路
- 一掠而过
- 一瞻丰采
- 一笔抹煞
- 一道闪电 streak of lightening
- 丁字管节 pipe tee; T-pipe
- 万升
- 万能升降台铣床 universal knee-and-column milling machine
- 万能弯管机 universal bender
- 三令五申
- 三原岩
- 三大法宝
- 三废
- 三皇五帝
- 三硫代碳酸 trithiocarbonic acid
- 三硫化二锑 {无化} antimonous sulfide; antimony trisulfide
- 三硫磷 carbophenothion; Dagadip; Garrathion; Nephocarp; T-rithion; S-para-chlorophenyl-thio-methyl-O O-diethyl phosphoro dithioate
- 三端输入的逻辑门 3-input logic gate
- 三能级激光结构 three-level laser configuration
- 三角帆顶角撑木 headstick
- 三趾树獭 ai