一切如旧[yī qiè rú jiù]1.■Everything remains unchanged.; Everything is as of old.; Everything is the same as usual.
- (in Chinese grammar) adverbial word, any of a class of words that are used mainly to modify a verb or an adjective
- X射线星系 X-ray galaxy
- 一如其名
- 一手策划
- 一目减算符
- 一群种马 a harras
- 一致转动 uniform [coherent] rotation
- 一般抗性 general resistance
- 一饱眼福
- 万众
- 万能钻床 full universal drill
- 三更半夜
- 三杂合体
- 三氯乙醛 grasex; chloral; trichloracetic aldehyde
- 三氯化铁腐蚀剂 ferric chloride etchant
- 三相发电机 three-phase generator; three-wire generator
- 三相连接 three-phase connection
- 三级地址 third-level address
- 三联症 triad; trilogy
- 三色视觉 trichromatic vision
- 三角架