下不了台[xià bu liǎo tái]1.■unable to find a way out of an embarrassing situation; unable to back down with good grace
- 一介寒儒
- 一文不名
- 一次使用电子干扰设备 expendable electronic jamming equipment
- 一般等效点 general equivalent points
- 一雨成灾
- 万字形
- 万能吸附剂 all-round adsorbent
- 万能车床 universal lathe
- 万能镗钻两用机床 universal boring and drilling machine
- 万顷碧波
- 三乌
- 三元混合物 ternary mixture
- 三层筛 triple-deck screen
- 三心二意
- 三氯甲烷 {化} chloroform; trichloromethane
- 三相相对渗透率 three-phase relative permeability
- 三管式摄像机 three-tube camera
- 三联脉 trigeminal pulse
- 三臂畸胎 tribrachius
- 三角形激光器 triangular laser
- 三角突 tubercula