上街示威(游行)[shàng jiē shì wēi]1.■demonstrate in the streets; going up in the streets; go on to the streets and demonstrate; take to the streets and demonstrate
- 一带而过
- 一次电流 primary current
- 一词多义
- 一身臭名
- 万不失一
- 万能转换开关 universal selector
- 三尖瓣闭锁不全 tricuspid valve incompetence
- 三态现象 trimorphism
- 三极检波器 audion
- 三氯甲烷 {化} chloroform; trichloromethane
- 三流货色
- 三硫化二砷 orpiment; auripigmentum; {无化} arsenic trisulfide
- 三级跳远 {体} hop, step and jump; triple jump
- 三组分 three-component
- 三维计算 three-dimensional calculation
- 三脚台
- 三脚架拔桩机 tripod puller; 调节器 tripod regulator
- 三色版
- 三裂叶漆树(荚莲) squawbush
- 三角形注入(式)激光器 triangular injection laser
- 三角曲拐 V-bob