上层分子 members of the upper strata; upper-class elements
- 一卵双生
- 一整套技术
- 一条龙服务 conglomarative service; coordinated service; coordinated-process service
- 一满盘
- 一箭之遥
- 一级厨师 first class cook
- 一般安全 generally recognized as safe
- 丁字扳手 T-wrench
- 丁苯橡胶 butadiene styrene rubber
- 丁醛酸 succinic semialdehydic acid
- 万能镦锻焊接机 universal upsetting and welding machine
- 万能齿轮试验机 universal gear testing machine
- 丈夫有泪不轻弹, 只因未到伤心时
- 三倍精度 triple precision
- 三原色印花 trichromatic printing
- 三基色原理 principle of three primary colours
- 三形
- 三托梁
- 三次不尽根 cubic surd; surd of third order
- 三氯甲硅烷 silicochloroform
- 三级泵 triplex pump