上导数[shàng dǎo shù]1.■upper derivate
- 一位论派
- 一次配电网 primary distribution
- 一燕不成夏
- 一等品 first-rate product; top-quality goods
- 一级公路 first-class highway
- 一臂之力
- 丁(基)苯
- 七嘴八舌
- 万向节球 universal ball; universal joint
- 万能分度头 universal dividing head
- 万能截煤机 longwall-shortwall coalcutter; universal coalcutter
- 万能联合冲剪机 universal combined punching and shearing machine
- 三人行、必有我师
- 三元推进剂 tripropellant
- 三分贝频率 three dB frequency; corner frequency
- 三相交流电源 three-phase alternating-current supply
- 三相半波整流器 three-phase half wave rectifier
- 三空位
- 三级跳远 {体} hop, step and jump; triple jump
- 三角不等式 {数} triangle inequality
- 三角刮刀 cant scraper; threecornered scraper; triangular scraper