三轮手推车 buggy
- 一小把
- 一次变分方程 equation of first variation
- 一瘸一拐
- 一组问题 a basket; questionary
- 一般规律 universal law; general rule
- 丁兹盛世
- 万向节十字头 cross connecting piece; universal joint cross
- 万向阀 universal valve
- 万物恐怖 pantophobia
- 三叶草慢波线 cloverleaf slow wave line
- 三棱柱 {数} triangular prism
- 三焦经 tri-jiao channel
- 三相时钟脉冲 three-phase clock pulse
- 三端测量 three-terminal measurement
- 三级精度立体测图仪 3rd order stereoplotters
- 三维点阵 three-dimensional lattices
- 三色叠加镜 photochromoscope
- 三裂口 trilete suture
- 三角刮刀 cant scraper; threecornered scraper; triangular scraper
- 三角形脉冲发生器 triangle generator
- 三角网平差 adjustment of triangulation