三句话不离本行[sān jù huà bù lí běn háng]1.■never to say three sentences without talking about one's own work; can hardly open one's mouth without talking shop; never to begin a talk without referring to one's own line; talk always about one's own line; talk shop all the time
- “非或”门
- 一次拨款 lump-sum appropriation
- 一组脚手架 scaffolding
- 一辈子
- 万向倾斜计 universal inclinometer
- 万年历
- 万年雪
- 万目睽睽
- 万能截煤机 longwall-shortwall coalcutter; universal coalcutter
- 万隆会议 the Bandung Conference
- 三十六行、行行出状元
- 三开道岔
- 三方碳钙钾石 butschliite
- 三相磁放大器 three-phase magnetic amplifier
- 三联体密码 triplet code
- 三角三四面体 triakistetrahedron
- 三角形分解 triangular decomposition
- 三角-星形接线 delta-star connection
- 三进制记数法 ternary notation
- 三进制运算 ternary arithmetic
- 上气喘促