三倍倍压器 voltage tripler
- 一次运算计算机 single-shot computer
- 一波不兴
- 一片土地
- 一般性错误 mistakes of an ordinary nature
- 一般费用 general expenses
- 一问三不知
- 万代
- 万能剪冲床 universal shearing and punching machine
- 万能式钢梁轧机铣床 universal beam mill
- 万里长征
- 三九严寒
- 三位一体 (基督教) the Trinity; (三者联为一体) trinity; three forming an organic whole; three in one
- 三合板
- 三天
- 三房四妾
- 三端启动电阻箱 three-point starting box
- 三维点阵 three-dimensional lattices
- 三联苯 terphenyl
- 三项递归 three term recurrence
- 上刀架
- 上地幔