三不管[sān bù guǎn]1.■come within nobody's jurisdiction; be nobody's business三不管地带 gore
- 一套餐具 setup (饭馆里用的)
- 一次谐波 first harmonic
- 一次配电系统 primary distribution system
- 一类物资 means of production in Category ; Supplies under Category Ⅰ; class Ⅰ materials
- 一级组装 first level of packaging
- 一连
- 丁砖层 {建} header course; heading course
- 三出
- 三枪管 three-gun tube
- 三相全波整流电路 three-phase full wave rectifier circuit
- 三相变压器 three-phase transformer; three-phase potential transformer
- 三硫化物 trisulfide
- 三线塞孔 triple circuit jack
- 三维声纳 three-dimensional sonar
- 三茶六饭
- 三角形体 trigone
- 三角形电路 delta network
- 上套
- 上年纪
- 上游水位 upper pond level; upstream water level; headwater level
- 上膈