万能角尺 bevel protractor
- 一位位移
- 一套套桌 nest of tables
- 一次性削价 a bargain sale; sale
- 一派胡言
- 一片荒地
- 一般疑问句 {语} general question
- 一表非俗[凡]
- 丁头砌合
- 七层楼
- 万众
- 万恶淫为首
- 万能台式铣床 universal bench mill
- 三方水硼镁石 macallisterite
- 三极断路器 three-pole breaker
- 三棱镜盘 prismatic disc
- 三角尖锉 knife gin saw file
- 三角沙坝 {地质} cuspate bar
- 三趾鹬 sanderling
- 三连晶
- 三重数积 triple scalar product
- 上下配穴 {中医} coordination of the acupoints of the upper with those of the lower, superior-inferior point association