万死不辞[wàn sǐ bù cí]1.■shrink from no sacrifice; not to recoil from death; not to shrink from any sacrifice [a myriad deaths]; willing to risk any danger to do one's duty
- 一排印刷铅字 a series
- 一晌
- 一片婆心
- 一级波 fist-order wave
- 一缕青烟
- 一零儿
- 七手八脚
- 万向节轴套 universal-joint sleeve
- 万字形
- 万应锭
- 丈母娘
- 三点透视 three-point perspective
- 三管式彩色摄像机 three-tube colour camera
- 三线双交换 three strands double crossing-over
- 三组圆点 dot trio
- 三维显示 three-dimensional display
- 三色乳胶 trichrom-emulsion
- 三角曲线 trigonometric curve
- 三面镜装置
- 上半夜
- 上等品 superior quality