万众一心[wàn zhòng yì xīn]1.■million people united as one man; All have one heart.; all of one heart; All united in one purpose.; unite as one; with one heart and one mind
- 一年之计在于春
- 一次结实植物 monocarpic plant
- 一步一瘸
- 一起
- 一连数载
- 一锅粥
- 一阶语言 {逻} first order language
- 一面如旧
- 万能车床 universal lathe
- 三个和尚无水吃
- 三军
- 三列刺骨螺 venus's comb
- 三晶
- 三极式 three-pole
- 三枪彩色显像管 tri-gun colour tube; three-gun tricolour tube; colourtron
- 三相电动势 three-phase electromotive force
- 三级精度立体测图仪 3rd order stereoplotters
- 三裂漆树 skunkbush
- 三角洲体制 delta regime
- 三角洲化 deltafication
- 上中天