一鼓作气[yī gǔ zuò qì]1.■get sth. done in one vigorous effort; accomplish with one effort; at one fling; At the first drum courage is aroused.; be stimulated at the sound of the first drum; brace one's nerve for an effort; do sth. without letup; in one go; make a vigorous effort to finish some thing at one go; press on to the finish without letup; rouse the spirit with the beat of the drum; take one's courage in both hands:They pressed on without letup until they got to the top of the hill.他们一鼓作气爬上山顶。
- 一点一滴
- 一辈子
- 万向转塔铣床 milling machine with universal turret head machine
- 万苦千辛
- 三分贝耦合器 {电磁} Riblet coupler; short-slot coupler; three-decibel coupler
- 三合一宝石 triplet
- 三方结晶 trigonal crystal
- 三极-七极管 triodeheptode
- 三次对称轴线 three-fold symmetry axis
- 三氯羟乙基脲 chloralurea
- 三相感应电压调整器 three-phase induction regulator
- 三相电度表 three-phase watt-hour meter
- 三等分法则 middle-third rule
- 三类物资贸易中心 trade-centre for third-category commodities
- 三重符合
- 上升花序 ascending inflorescence
- 上寒下热
- 上等厚玻璃 crown glass
- 上级机关 higher authorities; higher body
- 上自由模
- 上辈子