一饮而尽[yī yǐn ér jìn]1.■toss off the cup; Down the hatch!; drain the cup with one gulp; drink clean at one gulp; drink off [up] at [in] a [one] draft [draught]; drain the cup [glass; bowl]; drink the whole in one draft [breath]; drink up in one swallow; empty one's cup in one gulp; swallow at one gulp; take one's drink at a gulp; toss one's glass back at a gulp
- 一揽子方案 package arrangement
- 一服(药)
- 一级鱼露 {越} nuoc-nhut
- 一致门 coincidence gate
- 一言作譬
- 一路平安
- 万众
- 万古千秋
- 三包一奖
- 三层甲板舰 three-decker
- 三平面法
- 三相异步电动机 three-phase asynchronous
- 三相时钟脉冲 three-phase clock pulse
- 三线系留 {航空} three-wire mooring
- 三维表示 three-dimensional representation
- 三联胎 tridymus
- 三色乳胶 trichrom-emulsion
- 三角形突起 dentation
- 三角形褶裥 vee
- 三角-星形接法 delta-star connection
- 三角铁 {音} triangle; angle iron; L-iron (角钢)