“四马分肥”[sì mǎ fēn féi]1.■dividing the profits of the enterprises into four parts (34.5 percent for the state, 15 percent for the workers' and staff's welfare fund, 30 percent for the accumulation fund of enterprises, and 20.5 percent for dividends for the capitalist)
- 一波三折
- 一致等价 uniform equivalence
- 七重奏
- 万能接头 universal contact
- 万能磨床 universal grinding machine
- 万贯
- 三个十
- 三向活节 three-way swivel
- 三垒手
- 三头肌
- 三枪彩色显像管 tri-gun colour tube; three-gun tricolour tube; colourtron
- 三次过荷继电器 three times overload relay
- 三相半控桥式整流器 three-phase half controlled bridge rectifier
- 三等品
- 三色点状荧光屏 trichromatic dot phosphor screen
- 三角形脉冲函数 {讯} delta impulse function
- 三角测高器 hypsometer
- 三足
- 三重复视 triplopia
- 上代数
- 上冲断层