一蹶不振[yī jué bú zhèn]1.■unable to get up after a fall; be finished for good; be lost without resources; collapse after one setback; fall, never to rise again; never to be able to recover after a setback; never to recover from a setback; unable to recover after the comedown
- 一厚块
- 一脸横肉
- 一腔无明
- 万向架 {工} gimbal
- 万国邮政联盟
- 万格盘
- 万能辅助探照灯 universal supplementary search light
- 万能铣床 universal miller
- 三坐标雷达 three-dimensional radar
- 三极空间电荷晶体管 triple-pole spacistor
- 三极闸流管 three-electrode thyratron
- 三枪彩色显像管 tri-gun colour tube; three-gun tricolour tube; colourtron
- 三枪彩色电视显像管 three-gun chromatron
- 三枪三束彩色显像管 three-beam colour picture tube
- 三棱刮刀 striking knife
- 三氯化钛 {无化} titanium trichloride; titanous chloride
- 三相感应电动机 three-phase asynchronous motor; three-phase induction motor
- 三能级固态量子放大器 three-level solid state quantum amplifier
- 三角安全网 jib netting
- 三角形网格 triangular net
- 三角箱 cam box