“四对比”[sì duì bǐ]1.■(农业合作社) “make four comparisons” was to compare and see which was better:(1)the cooperative, the mutual-aid team, or peasants working on their own;(2)socialism or capitalism;(3)a system with exploitation or a system without exploitation, and (4) personal enrichment or prosperity for all
- 一等秘书 first secretary
- 一级校准 primary calibration method
- 一觉醒来
- 一飞冲天
- 七死八活
- 七窍
- 万向接头传动装置 cardan gear
- 万年雪
- 三体雄蕊 triadelphous staments
- 三分吃药,七分靠养
- 三基色原理 principle of three primary colours
- 三尖瓣后尖 cuspis dorsalis; cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis
- 三氯乙烷 {有化} trichloroethane; Aerothene TT; chlorothene Nu
- 三氯异氰尿酸 {有化} sym-closene; trichloroiminocyanuric acid; trichloroisocyanuric acid
- 三氯羟氧化物 oxyhydroxytrichloride
- 三缄其口
- 三色刺激值 {光} tristimulus values
- 三角茶几 teapoy; tepoy
- 三过其门而不入
- 三部分 tripartite
- 三重碰撞 {物} triple collision