一花独放不是春[yī huā dú fàng bú shì chūn]1.■One swallow does not make a summer.; A single flower is not spring.; Spring does not arrive with the blossoming of a single flower.
- 一簇羽毛 aigrette
- 一诺千金
- 一风吹
- 丁砖砌合 heading bond
- 丁醚
- 万众欢呼
- 万夫不当
- 万灵药
- 三原色系数 {物} trichromatic coefficient
- 三层结构
- 三心平圆拱 {建} three-centered arch
- 三氯甲硅烷 silicochloroform
- 三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system
- 三相电机 three-phase electric machine
- 三角-三角形接线 delta-delta connection
- 三角洲中航道 pass
- 三角翼火箭 delta-winged rocket
- 三重符合矩阵 triple-coincidence matrix
- 三项分布 {统} trinomial distribution
- 上下文无关语言 context-free language
- 上升算子 step-up operator; up-ladder