一筹莫展[yī chóu mò zhǎn]1.■be nonplussed over sth.; at a loss what to do; be at one's wits' end; be at the end of one's tether; be driven to one's wits' end; be up a gum-tree [tree]; can find no way out; cannot do a thing; can't suggest a move; find [stick] oneself in the mire; have no way out; not a single plan proposed
- 一层膜 a skim
- 一日夫妻百日恩
- 一片废墟
- 一盘凝乳 a junket
- 一端丛毛菌 cephalotricha
- 一问一答
- 丁字钢 T-bar; T-steel; tee steel; tee-profile
- 万向节管 universal pipe joint
- 万向节罩 universal-joint boot
- 万向节轭 universal-joint yoke
- 万能式
- 三交
- 三尖瓣隔侧尖 cuspis medialis valvulae tricuspidalis
- 三层书架 three-decker
- 三级定址 three-level addressing; third-level address
- 三维地震法勘探 three-dimensional seismic method
- 三联苯 terphenyl
- 三芯同轴电缆 triple-concentric cable
- 三角形接线 delta connection
- 三角板 triangle; deltidium; set-square
- 三角桌 knee table; angular table