一病身亡[yī bìng shēn wáng]1.■die of serious illness; fall ill and die
- 一味撒谎
- 一层膜 a skim
- 一心
- 一次消费 {经} one-time consumption
- 一次配电系统 primary distribution system
- 一般失调 general detuning
- 一落千丈
- 一身痛重
- 一鼓聚歼
- 丁字形槽 tee-slot
- 万念俱焚
- 万方
- 三价钛 titanous
- 三位阀 three-position valve
- 三尖瓣闭锁不全 tricuspid valve incompetence
- 三氯化醛 acotochloral
- 三白草
- 三相六线制 three-phase six-wire system
- 三维声纳 three-dimensional sonar
- 三联体
- 三角尖锉 knife gin saw file