一泻千里[yī xiè qiān lǐ]1.■Water rushes down and covers hundreds of miles of land.; bold and flowing; flow down in a rushing torrent to a far distance; flow down vigorously; rush down a thousand li; The downpour results in mounting floodwaters which spill over in rampaging inundations.; The torrent rolls thunderously on for a thousand li.; write in a free, bold and flowing style
- 一脉相通
- 一致转动 uniform [coherent] rotation
- 万能三角板 universal set-square
- 万能木工车床 universal wood turning lathe
- 三七皂苷 notoginsenoside
- 三价钛 titanous
- 三刺激色度计 {光} tristimulus colorimeter
- 三原色印刷 process colour; three-colour process
- 三坐标雷达功率程序 3-D radar power program
- 三大差别
- 三棱刮刀 striking knife
- 三点联[连]接 three-point attachment; three-point bond
- 三相六线制 three-phase six-wire system
- 三级检波器 audion
- 三色堇紫红 pansy purple
- 三裂豚草 great ragweed
- 三角债
- 三角形电路 delta network
- 三角测量标记 {工} triangulation mark
- 三角测高器 hypsometer
- 三角近似法 trigonometric approximation