一望无际[垠][yī wàng wú jì]1.■stretch as far as eye can see; a boundless stretch of; an unlimited view of the universe; be vast in extent; command an extensive view; stretching far across the plain; stretch far off into the distance and out of sight; stretch to [beyond] the horizon
- 一方当事人 one party
- 一新耳目
- 一朝之忿
- 一百八十度大转变[弯]
- 一英里轨道
- 万向节系统 gimbal system
- 万恶淫为首
- 万能绘图机 universal drafting machine
- 万能钳 {设计} combination pliers
- 三八妇女节
- 三刺激值 tristimulus values
- 三氯羟乙基脲 chloralurea
- 三焦经 tri-jiao channel
- 三硫磷 carbophenothion; Dagadip; Garrathion; Nephocarp; T-rithion; S-para-chlorophenyl-thio-methyl-O O-diethyl phosphoro dithioate
- 三等分器 trisector
- 三线中继线 three-wire trunk
- 三维模拟计算机 three-dimensional analog computer
- 三角帽 cocked hat
- 三角测量等级 class of triangulation
- 三角胶带 bead apex (core)
- 三言两语