一文不名一文不名[yī wén bù míng]1.■be penniless; be cleaned out; not have a feather to fly with; not to have a bean; not to have a shilling [penny] in the world; not a shot in the locker; without a penny to one's name
- 一窥全豹
- 丁字形骨折 T-shaped fracture;
- 丁字铰接 T-hinge strap;
- 万家生佛
- 万能剪钳 universal cutting pliers;
- 万能胶 all-purpose adhesive;
- 三倍器 tripler;
- 三次对称轴 axis of trigonal symmetry;
- 三结合
- 三维组装 three-dimensional package
- 三老四严
- 三能级
- 三色说 trichromatic theory;
- 三茶六饭
- 三角孔 delthyrium;
- 三角形导轨 triangular guide;
- 三角恒等式 trigonometric identity;
- 三角突 tubercula;
- 三轮
- 上下
- 上体