一拥而上一拥而上[yī yōng ér shàng]1.■rush forward; dash up; come forth with a rush; rush up in a crowd; throw oneself forward
- 一塌糊涂
- 一次有效装置 expendable equipment;
- 一级相变 first order phase change; first-order transition;
- 一维系统 unidimensional system; system with one degree of freedom;
- 一起
- 七级风
- 万向节耳轴 universal-joint trunnion;
- 万年青属 Rohdea; Rhodea;
- 万能折弯机 universal folding machine;
- 丈量
- 三基色原理 principle of three primary colours
- 三态
- 三相激励 three-phase excitation;
- 三级环流 {气} tertiary circulation;
- 三维组装 three-dimensional package
- 三重脉冲编码 triplepulse coding;
- 上坡道 up gradient;
- 上层木 overstory;
- 上新统
- 上正则表示
- 上脘