一把抓一把抓[yī bǎ zhuā]1.■ (样样不放手) take everything into one's own hands
常用词组1.■ (不分轻重缓急, 一齐下手) try to tackle all problems at once regardless of their relative importance; fail to put first things first
- 一周
- 一在天上, 一在地下
- 一次方程 first-order equation; linear equation;
- 一端插销 banana;
- 一般民事纠纷 ordinary civil disputes;
- 一般规律 universal law; general rule;
- 一零儿
- 一鼓作气, 再而衰, 三而竭
- 丁字扳手 T-wrench;
- 丁香树脂醇 syringaresinol;
- 三度运动 three-dimensional motion;
- 三方锥 trigonal pyramid
- 三硫氧钨酸盐 oxytrisulfotungstate
- 三角帆
- 三角形网线 trigonal;
- 三角翼火箭 delta-winged rocket
- 三轮
- 三轴转向架 three-axle bogie; three-axle truck;
- 三通接线夹 three-way connector;
- 上厥下竭
- 上台盘