一手硬一手软一手硬一手软[yī shǒu yìng yì shǒu ruǎn]1.■promote one thing and neglect another thing at the same time:物质文明建设和精神文明建设 “一手硬一手软”promote material progress to the neglect of cultural and ideological progress
- 一无
- 一日之长
- 一端丛毛菌 cephalotricha;
- 一缕青烟
- 一马当先
- 丁砖层 {建} header course; heading course;
- 万死
- 万能刨 {设计} universal plane;
- 三原色性 trichroism;
- 三枪电子枪 three-electron gun;
- 三氯化醛 acotochloral;
- 三氯铁胆青盐 ferrobilin;
- 三级胺 tertiary amine;
- 三色现象 trichroism; trichromatism;
- 三角头畸胎 trigocephalus; trigonocephalus;
- 三角杂波 triangular noise;
- 三角窝 fossa triangularis;
- 三轴强度 triaxial strength;
- 上下文限定语言 context-sensitive language;
- 上升速度指示器 vertical speed indicator;
- 上班