一手一手[yī shǒu]1.■ (技能或本领) proficiency; skill:露一手show off one's skill;他会做好这件事, 因为他很有一手。He will do well in that work because he has a lot on the ball.
常用词组1.■ (耍的手段) trick; move:他的一手真毒辣!What a vicious trick he played!2.■ (一人) single-handed; all by oneself; all alone:这事是他一手办理的。He did it all alone.
- 一卷羊皮纸 pell
- 一生飘荡
- 一脉相连
- 一言未了
- 一言道破
- 一边倒比赛 {体} onesided affair; one-sided game
- 丁炔
- 三价疫苗 trivalent vaccine
- 三元及第
- 三八妇女节
- 三公九卿
- 三原型
- 三向活节 three-way swivel;
- 三次方程问题 cubic problem;
- 三点着陆 {航空} three-point landing
- 三相点 three-phase; triplepoint;
- 三等分角线 trisectrix;
- 三联苯曲霉素 Terphenyllin;
- 三角肌炎 deltoiditis
- 三轴强度 triaxial strength;
- 三进制计数器 ternary counter;