一席话一席话[yī xí huà]1.■what one says during a conversation:听君一席话, 胜读十年书。I profit more from one consultation with you than from ten years of reading.
- 一步法纺纱 one process spinning;
- 一笑倾城
- 一级风 {气} force 1 wind; light air;
- 一群鳗鱼 swarm;
- 一般
- 一饮一啄
- 七大八小
- 七极管
- 七绝
- 万恶
- 万能式干燥机 universal drier;
- 三体船 tri;
- 三元取代 {化} triple substitution;
- 三次幂 third power; cube;
- 三点
- 三焦经 tri-jiao channel
- 三硫化磷 {无化} phosphorous sulfide; phosphorous trisulfide;
- 三级精度立体测图仪 3rd order stereoplotters;
- 三维分类法 three-dimensional classification;
- 三维向量 three-dimensional vector; three-vector;
- 三行区