一尘不染一尘不染[yī chén bù rǎn]1.■maintain one's original pure character; as clean [neat] as a (new) pin; be spotlessly clean; free from dust; maintain personal integrity (during chaotic times); not be contaminated by the world; not to be stained [soiled] with [by] a particle [speck] of dust; remain uncontaminated; spotless; There is not a speck of dust.:仪器上一尘不染。The apparatus is spotlessly clean.
- 一切如旧
- 一次激活电池 primary activated battery;
- 一盘棋
- 一级存储器 single-level memory; one-level storage;
- 一级相变 first order phase change; first-order transition;
- 一脸死相
- 万能弯曲机 universal bending machine;
- 万能铣床 universal miller;
- 三合光谱
- 三坟五典
- 三极开关 triple-pole switch;
- 三棱刮刀 striking knife;
- 三相 E 形铁心 three-phase E-core;
- 三相感应电压调整器 three-phase induction regulator;
- 三级变速箱 three-ratio gear; triple-change gear;
- 三色反常症 anomalous trichromatism;
- 三裂叶漆树(荚莲) squawbush;
- 三角十二面体 trigondodecahedron;
- 三角滑块 cam block;
- 三通分线管 Y-junction;
- 三长两短