一小时花 flower-of-an-hour
- 一件
- 一次碳化物 primary carbide;
- 一般产品 generic product; mine-run;
- 丁砖
- 万古千秋
- 万向转塔铣床 milling machine with universal turret head machine;
- 万能剪冲床 universal shearing and punching machine;
- 万能机械手 general-purpose manipulator;
- 万能转换开关 universal selector;
- 三位置 triolocation;
- 三元系陶瓷 ternary system ceramics;
- 三原色性 trichroism;
- 三叶参
- 三心拱 basket-handle arch; multicenter arch;
- 三次线圈 tertiary coil;
- 三焦经 tri-jiao channel
- 三级串联捻胶机 triple tandem strander;
- 三级管 audion;
- 三维流动 three-dimensional flow; flow in three dimensions;
- 三能级激光棒 three-level laser rod;
- 三色性 trichroism;