一将功成万骨枯一将功成万骨枯[yī jiàng gōng chéng wàn gǔ kū]1.■What millions died that Caesar might be great!; A general builds his success on ten thousand bleaching bones.; It's the blood of the rank and file that has won the general's promotion.; One general achieves renown over the dead bodies of 10000 soldiers.; The achievement of a general cost many lives.; The many must labour for the one.
- 䴕
- 一日官司十日打
- 一根
- 一瘸一拐
- 一致度量 uniform metric;
- 一阶平稳 first-order stationary;
- 丁字铁 T-iron
- 七角杯
- 万向节衬圈 universal-joint knuckle retainer;
- 万能
- 三元化合物
- 三声道
- 三层刺网 trammel net; coracle net;
- 三棱刀 three-square tool;
- 三班
- 三相全控桥式整流器 three-phase controlled bridge rectifier;
- 三管式电视电影机 three-tube telecine;
- 三维分类法 three-dimensional classification;
- 三能级微波激射器 three-level maser;
- 三角测高法 trigonometric level1ing;
- 上凸