The officials complied according to ranks, with the titled, cabinet ministers and heads of the ministries in front.; The officials of the six bureaus of the palace lined the steps according to rank, the military ones at the west and the civil at the east.
- 一手造成
- 一次参数 primary parameter;
- 丁字
- 七角杯
- 万事亨通
- 万向节凸缘 universal-joint flange;
- 万流赴壑
- 万能剪冲床 universal shearing and punching machine;
- 三名三高
- 三天
- 三氯化醛 acotochloral;
- 三相全控桥式整流器 three-phase controlled bridge rectifier;
- 三相时钟脉冲 three-phase clock pulse;
- 三相相对渗透率 three-phase relative permeability;
- 三端开关器件 trigistor; dynaquad;
- 三线接法 three-wire connection;
- 三线系留 {航空} three-wire mooring;
- 三角帆挂帆环 jib-hank;
- 三角形速度分布 triangular velocity distribution;
- 三角-曲折形接法 delta-zigzag connection;
- 三趾马 Hippocampal cortex; {地} Hipparion;