一夫可守一夫可守[yī fū kě shǒu]1.■can be defended by one man; very strategically located and difficult of access
- “银饭碗”
- 丁字头螺栓 tee-head bolt
- 丁字梁 {建} T beam;
- 万向节轭 universal-joint yoke;
- 万向轴
- 三合板
- 三相半波可控整流器 three-phase half wave controllable rectifier;
- 三级环流 {气} tertiary circulation;
- 三维模拟计算装置 three-dimensional analog computer;
- 三脚规
- 三腿形
- 三角布绷带 cravat;
- 三轮手推车 buggy;
- 三鼓而竭
- 上演税 residual
- 上议院
- 下丘
- 下位性 {生} hypostasis; hypostasy
- 下层树冠高 lower crown height;
- 下标标号 subscript label;
- 下沉面积 area of subsidence;