一壁一壁[yī bì]1.■[书] at the same time; simultaneously
- 一脚踢开
- 万向支架 gimbals; {钟} gymbals;
- 万能手术台附件 accessories of universal operation table;
- 万能锯床 universal sawing machine;
- 三分贝定向耦合器 three dB directional coupler;
- 三定
- 三次收敛 cubic convergence;
- 三点线素坐标 trilinear line coordinates;
- 三相全控桥式整流器 three-phase controlled bridge rectifier;
- 三相时钟脉冲 three-phase clock pulse;
- 三稳态
- 三级环流 {气} tertiary circulation;
- 三联炼钢法 triplex process;
- 三行区穿孔 over-punching; {自} zone punch;
- 三角肌粗隆 tuberositas deltoidea;
- 三角近似法 trigonometric approximation;
- 三进制计数器 ternary counter;
- 上升下降延迟 rise-fall delay;
- 上升推进系统 ascent propulsion system;
- 上尉
- 上幂