一墙之隔一墙之隔[yī qiáng zhī gé]1.■partition by a wall; be separated (from) only by a wall
- 丁字尺 T-square;
- 万能弯管机 universal bender;
- 万能镗钻两用机床 universal boring and drilling machine;
- 三倍性
- 三天打鱼, 两天晒网
- 三拍子
- 三托梁
- 三氯化钛 {无化} titanium trichloride; titanous chloride;
- 三级子例行程序 {自} three-level subroutine;
- 三维矢量 trivector;
- 三角排列图 cam chart;
- 三角洲体制 delta regime;
- 三轨制 tripartite system; {电工} third-rail system
- 三轴向压力试验 triaxial compression test;
- 三辊轧机 {冶} three-high mill
- 三重变频接收机 {电子} triple-conversion receiver;
- 三重简并度 three-fold degeneracy;
- 三项递推 three term recurrence;
- 上交利税 profits or taxes delivered to the state
- 上代
- 上位概念