一回事一回事[yī huí shì]1.■ (同一件事) one and the same (thing):咱俩说的是一回事。We were talking about the same thing.他不懂水和H₂O分子式是一回事。He didn't know that water and H₂O are one.
常用词组1.■ (一方面) one thing:说是一回事, 做又是一回事。Talking is one thing, doing is another.
- 一次纤维导丝板 primary filament comb guides;
- 一水合物
- 一级组装 first level of packaging
- 一脉相传
- 一般原则 rule;
- 一般等价物 universal equivalent;
- 一言未了
- 一连串岛屿链 chain;
- 一项礼物 auxilium;
- 七叶树碱 argyrine;
- 三束
- 三次式 cubic expression tertiary;
- 三相电流 three-phase current;
- 三角形木料堆 peaker;
- 三角测量网 triangulation net;
- 三角裤 panties; briefs;
- 上函子
- 上升算子 step-up operator; up-ladder;
- 上厥下竭
- 上底
- 上板铺