一唱一和一唱一和[yī chàng yí hè]1.■sing in chorus with ...; chime in with ...; echo each other; in perfect harmony; join in chorus; One sings and the other joins in.; sing a duet (with sb.); sing in duet [chorus]; sing the same tune; sing to each other's tune
- 一唱三叹
- 一步登天
- 一江春水向东流
- 一簇羽毛 aigrette
- 一致熔融 congruent melting;
- 一跤摔倒
- 丁奚疳
- 丁钠橡胶
- 七零八落
- 万俟
- 三元脉冲 unit triplet impulse;
- 三叉管
- 三氯乙醛合水 chloral hydrate;
- 三等分角 {数} trisection of an angle;
- 三线
- 三维向量 three-dimensional vector; three-vector;
- 三色视像管 tricolour vidicon; trinicon;
- 三行区穿孔 over-punching; {自} zone punch;
- 三角形接法 {电工} delta connection; mesh connection;
- 三角韧带 {解} deltoid ligament; ligamentum deltoideum; ligamentum triangular;
- 三辊穿孔机 three-roll piercer;