一呼百喏一呼百喏[yī hū bǎi nuò]1.■One command draws a hundred answers.; a hundred responses to a call; have hundreds at one's beck and call; One calls and a hundred answer.; One's summons are answered by a hundred voices.
- 一分钟照相
- 一条心
- 一次性费用 nonrecurring charge;
- 一维系统 unidimensional system; system with one degree of freedom;
- 一致界 uniform bound;
- 一触即溃
- 一锅粥
- 万不失一
- 万尺高楼起于累土
- 万流赴壑
- 万隆会议精神 spirit of the Bandung Conference
- 三价体 trivalent;
- 三废利用
- 三月干风 [法] hale demars;
- 三相激励 three-phase excitation;
- 三级瓦斯煤矿 third category gassy mine;
- 三者之一
- 三角座滑架 cam carrier;
- 三角形木料堆 peaker;
- 三轴海棉纲 triaxonida;
- 三辊轧机 {冶} three-high mill