一叶蔽目一叶蔽[障]目[yī yè bì mù]1.■shade the eyes with a leaf; A single leaf before the eye obstructs one's vision.:一叶蔽目, 不见泰山。A leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai -- have one's view of the important overshadowed by the trivial.; A single leaf before the eye blacks out the view of a mountain.
- “是非” 决策 yes-no decision;
- 一级品率 ratio of first-grade products;
- 一致算法 unification algorism;
- 一茶杯
- 丁胺
- 万世留芳
- 万圣节宣言
- 万应灵丹
- 万能镗床 universal borer;
- 万般
- 三分绕组 {电工} triplex winding
- 三心装饰拱 {建} false ellipse
- 三次反射 triple reflection;
- 三氯(甲)硅烷 trichlorosilane;
- 三点钟 three;
- 三相相对渗透率 three-phase relative permeability;
- 三脚桌
- 三角形多元天线 multiwire-triatic antenna;
- 三通接头 three-way connection; T-connection; duplex fitting; tee fitting;
- 上下配穴 {中医} coordination of the acupoints of the upper with those of the lower, superior-inferior point association;
- 上冲程