一口气一口气[yī kǒu qì]1.■ (一口气息) one breath:深吸一口气draw a deep breath;长叹一口气with a long sigh;宽慰地松了一口气breathe [give; heave] a sigh of relief;他叹了一口气, 慢慢地坐到位子上。He slowly sat on the seat with a sigh.
常用词组1.■ (不间断地) in one breath; without a break; at one go; at a stretch:一口气跑到家rush to one's home at one go;他一口气读完了那本小说。He finished reading the novel at one sitting.
- 一字之差
- 一招一式
- 一段衣料 pattern;
- 一级公路 first-class highway;
- 一餐
- 七零八落
- 万丈高楼平地起
- 万能木工机 universal woodworking machine;
- 万能粗轧机 universal roughing mill;
- 万般
- 三个月
- 三十六计,走为上计
- 三向转辙器 three-throw switch
- 三射
- 三氯甲苯 benzotrichloride;
- 三级压力式汽轮机 three-pressure stage turbine;
- 三线态 triplet state;
- 三维矢量 trivector;
- 三臂畸胎 tribrachius;
- 三色碳溴法 {摄} carbro process;
- 三色色标管 {讯} Lawrence tube; tricolour chromatron;