一口一口[yī kǒu]1.■ (表示口气坚决) with certainty; readily; flatly:一口答应readily agree; readily promise;一口否认flatly deny;一口回绝flatly refuse;一口咬定assert categorically; accuse definitely
常用词组1.■ (纯正) pure:讲一口地道的英语speak idiomatic English2.■ {量} a mouthful; a bite:一口蛋糕a bite of cake;呷一口威士忌take a nip of whisky;今天我们一口饭都没吃。We have not had a bite today.他要一口把它吃掉。He wants to eat it up at a mouthful.
- 一座
- 一般方程 general equation;
- 丁吡胶乳
- 万岁千秋
- 万年历
- 万能磨床 universal grinding machine;
- 三尖杉碱 cephalotaxine;
- 三拳不敌四手
- 三棵针
- 三氯乙腈 Tritox;
- 三班
- 三端快速开关 trisistor;
- 三等分角 {数} trisection of an angle;
- 三联泵 treble pump; triple pump;
- 三行式
- 三角形小窗 angle light;
- 三角形构架 triangular truss;
- 三言两语
- 三轴稳定自动驾驶仪 three-axis gyropilot;
- 三进制运算 ternary arithmetic;
- 三速电动机 three-speed motor