一发千钧一发千钧[yī fǎ qiān jūn]1.■hang on by the eyelids; a hundredweight hanging by a hair; a thousand piculs suspended by a single hair; be in grave danger; by the skin of one's teeth; depend on a thread; Everything hangs on a hair.; extremely delicate situation; hang by a hair [thread]; in a most dangerous condition; in a very precarious situation; in imminent peril:在这一发千钧的时刻at this critical moment
- 一再
- 一在天上, 一在地下
- 一次操作 once-through operation;
- 一盘磁带 magnetic tape reel;
- 一群
- 丁字头螺栓 tee-head bolt
- 丁字形螺母 T-nut;
- 丁炔酸
- 七叶树碱 argyrine;
- 七巧板
- 万寿菊酮 tagetone
- 万难
- 三倍倍压器 voltage tripler;
- 三六九等
- 三叶草叶模型 cloverleaf model
- 三氯氧化物 oxytrichloride;
- 三氯氧化磷 phosphorous oxychloride;
- 三氯铁胆青盐 ferrobilin;
- 三相变压器 three-phase transformer; three-phase potential transformer;
- 三端输入的逻辑门 3-input logic gate;
- 三等品