一反常态一反常态[yī fǎn cháng tài]1.■depart from one's normal behavior; be contrary to the way one usually behaves; be [act] out of character; change all of a sudden; contrary to one's usual practice; make a switch; not to be oneself; not to be one's usual self; reverse one's previous stand; suddenly change one's attitude towards
- 一山之隔
- 一席之地
- 一揽子合同 bouquet arrangement; bouquet of treaties;
- 一杯黄土
- 一次压制法 single-press process;
- 一步熔炼 direct smelting;
- 一神教
- 一般线性群 general linear groups;
- 一身臃肿
- 一顿
- 丁点儿
- 万一
- 三位编码 tri-bit encoding;
- 三夹板
- 三年蓄艾
- 三星凸轮 cloverleaf cam
- 三次式 cubic expression tertiary;
- 三民主义
- 三氯化醛 acotochloral;
- 三相相对渗透率 three-phase relative permeability;
- 三维电路 three-dimensional circuit;