下级下级[xià jí]1.■ (指组织) lower level [rank]:下级服从上级。The lower level is subordinate to the higher level.; The lower level subordinates itself to the higher level.2.■ (指人员) subordinate:下级干部cadres of lower ranks; junior cadres;在陆军中, 中尉是上尉的下级。In the army, lieutenants are subordinate to captains.
常用词组1.■下级单位 subordinate unit;2.■下级法院 court below; inferior court;3.■下级机关 government office at a lower level;4.■下级军官 low-ranking officer; junior officer;5.■下级组织 subordinate organization
- “蛇形” 货币 “snake” currency;
- 一点儿
- 一百八十度大转变
- 一致性原则 the consistency principle;
- 一致电路 coincidence circuit;
- 一般线性群 general linear groups;
- 一误而误
- 丁苯硫脲 thiambutosin;
- 万米波 {电磁} myriametric waves
- 万能摇臂钻床 universal radial drill;
- 万能花盘 universal face plate;
- 三力矩法
- 三心
- 三态门 triple gate;
- 三氯(甲)硅烷 trichlorosilane;
- 三行区
- 三角波调制调频-连续波雷达 triangular modulation FM-CW radar
- 三角锯锉 cant file; cantsaw file;
- 三足畸胎 tripus;
- 三饭
- 上划线