下流下流[xià liú]1.■ (下游) lower reaches (of a river):长江下流the lower reaches of the Changjiang River2.■ (卑鄙龌龊) low-down; mean; off colour; near the bone; obscene; dirty:下流的勾当base acts; low-down behaviour [tricks];下流的谩骂scurrilous attacks; coarse invectives;下流的玩笑dirty jests; obscene jests; coarse jokes;说下流话talk dirt;写下流作品write dirt;他说的笑话很下流。The jokes he told were quite off colour.
常用词组1.■下流管 down-pipe;2.■下流话 obscene [dirty; foul] language; obscenities;3.■下流量 down-off;4.■下流音乐厅 free-and-easy
- 一如
- 一格子板
- 一竟全功
- 一箱
- 一般经济规律 general economic law;
- 丁坝
- 万俟
- 万国博览会
- 万弩齐发
- 三次风 {机} tertiary air;
- 三等分法则 middle-third rule;
- 三等分角 {数} trisection of an angle;
- 三级串联捻胶机 triple tandem strander;
- 三角形法计算矿量 {采矿} triangular method;
- 三角形蜡孔 tricerores;
- 三角测量导航法 navigation by triangulation;
- 三角辅助帆 jib-o-jib;
- 三角铰子 kreplach; kreplech; creplich;
- 三进制
- 上坡
- 上帝