下坡路下坡路[xià pō lù]1.■downhill path; downhill journey [road]; downward slope; decline:走下坡路go downhill; be on the decline;那时我们的关系是走上坡路, 此后就开始走下坡路了。At that time our relations were going upwards, but since then they have been going downwards [downhill].关税数字表明英国的贸易一直在走下坡路。The customs figures show a steady decline in British trade.
- 一份面包 bread; a toke;
- 一月解冻 {气候} January thaw
- 一条龙服务 conglomarative service; coordinated service; coordinated-process service
- 一次激活电池 primary activated battery;
- 一等兵员后备 deep standby;
- 万格盘
- 万绿丛中一点红
- 三九严寒
- 三元酚 trihydric phenol;
- 三叶草病 clover disease; {兽} trifoliosis;
- 三头肌反射 triceps reflexes
- 三层法 three-layer process;
- 三氯杀螨醇 dicofol;
- 三氯甲噻嗪 naqua; trichlormethiazide;
- 三秋
- 三端线路 three-terminal line;
- 三级压力式汽轮机 three-pressure stage turbine;
- 三维显示系统 {电子} three-dimensional display system;
- 三臂联胎 tribrachius
- 三角排列图 cam chart;
- 三角植树 triangular-planting;