下不来下不来[xià bu lái]1.■ (降不下来) refuse to come down:这两天温度下不来。The temperature won't fall these days.
常用词组1.■ (不够) cannot be accomplished:买这件衣服没有50元钱下不来。You can't buy the dress with less than 50 yuan.2.■ (在人面前受窘) feel embarrassed:几句话说得他脸上下不来。A few words made him much embarrassed.; He was visibly embarrassed at the remarks.
- 一对一评价 [对照评价] man-to-man rating;
- 一线多用
- 一言不留
- 一项
- 万念俱焚
- 万能工具显微镜 universal tool-measuring microscope; universal tool-maker's microscope;
- 万顷碧波
- 三世有缘
- 三倍精度 triple precision;
- 三分贝耦合器 {电磁} Riblet coupler; short-slot coupler; three-decibel coupler;
- 三尖瓣后尖 cuspis dorsalis; cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis;
- 三次
- 三氯叔丁醇 anesin; aneson; chlorbutol; chloretone; chlorobutanol;
- 三类物资
- 三色堇紫红 pansy purple
- 三色照相机 tricolour camera;
- 三角栅格阵列天线 triangular gird array antenna;
- 三角测量导航法 navigation by triangulation;
- 三角湾状三角洲 estuarine delta;
- 三重复视 triplopia;
- 上下打量