上访上告上访上告[shàng fǎng shàng gào]1.■apply for an audience with the higher authorities to complain to them
- “空白” 仲裁条款 “blank” arbitration clause
- 一吐心声
- 一日数起
- 一次成巷掘进 simultaneous driving and supporting;
- 一次方程式 simple equation;
- 一缕头发
- 一般费用 general expenses;
- 一般雨量 {气} general rainfall;
- 一饮一啄, 莫非前定
- 丁醛
- 七叶树碱 argyrine;
- 万炮齐鸣
- 三价铁 ferric iron;
- 三原型
- 三天两头
- 三氯(苯)酚盐 triclofenate;
- 三秋
- 三能级激光材料 three-level laser material;
- 三角植树 triangular-planting;
- 三角近似法 trigonometric approximation;
- 三轨受电